I can kind of see a focus in the future now- at least where I would like to go with this shop. I have my dreams, and sometimes it can be scary because of the huge obstacles I can see to achieve that dream. But I am keeping it in prayer, and I'm thankful for what I am learning about running a business- small as it may be.
I am reading through a book right now that is fabulous and even though I'm halfway through I want to recommend it. It's called Craft Inc.

and I actually picked it up at the library. I'm thinking I may go ahead and purchase it after I finish it, since it has a lot of valuable and useable info in it.
But it has really been interesting to read and I love it when I find a book that I can really get into. It's also one that may ignite a passion inside you for achieving those seemingly impossible dreams.
I think the more I work for a company the more I see myself running my own company. That statement in itself is scary- and I almost shrink back and say, " what are you talking about?" as if I could never do that. I can see the long stack of doubts creeping up in my mind and I have to step back and realize I don't have to but I may actually want to.
As a Christian I take my decisions before God in prayer before I decide what to do. He has always proven faithful in providing direction and peace (oh how wonderful it is to feel this!) in my life. Right now I can honestly say I am where I am supposed to be- working full time as a graphic designer under a company. I have so many things positive and good about my current job, I just don't think it's where I will be forever.
I am loving the small time I do have to dedicate to learning more about my company, my business, my little dream.
I'm pretty happy just to have this creative outlet that allows me to indulge in something I love to do. And I'm really grateful for my hubby, that so lovingly and strongly supports me!